It’s impossible for us to choose a single favorite genre from the wealth that cinema offers. But if some sort of “Sophie’s Choice” situation were to occur, we probably would be able to point to one that occupies a more central place in our hearts: science fiction. The term encompasses multitudes: sci-fi runs the gamut from stark, philosophical inquiry to space western to brainless robot-go-bang-bang; it hybridizes beautifully with other genres like comedy, horror and romance and as such is maybe the most expansive and elastic genre of them all. This week, we’re using the opening of Justin Lin‘s stark philosophical inquiry “Star Trek Beyond” as an excuse to revisit our old list of 25 sci-fi favorites since 2000, and to expand it to a whopping 50.
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The ease with which we sailed to 50 titles and the number we still felt bad about excluding speaks volumes about the health of this thriving and somehow ever-more-necessary genre. We’re hardly the first to notice that recent world events feel distinctly dystopian, and seeing various scenarios play out as extended thought experiments is something that only this genre really affords us.
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Expanding the list was also interesting, insofar as noting how much or how little our feelings have changed over the past few years. Aside from including a few titles we’d excluded before for prosaic reasons, and a couple of new entries in the top half that are films released after the original list was drawn up, the passage of time has buffed some titles to a higher shine, while others have slightly lost their luster. But we haven’t undergone a 180 on any of our previous inclusions, though the luxury of a longer list has meant in many cases that we’ve taken a more critical view of their relative positions.
The 50 Best Film Scores Of The 21st Century So Far
Writer Edmund Crispin once said that “science fiction is the last refuge of the morality tale,” and perhaps, living in such challenging and morally murky times, that’s why we find ourselves so compelled by it. Or perhaps we just really dig lasers and neoprene outfits! Either way, here are the 50 films of this millennium that represent the absolute best that the king of genres, science fiction (shh! Don’t tell drama or westerns that we said that!), has to offer.
50. “Remainder” (2015)
There’s a thin line between clever and clever-clever, and video artist Omer Fast doesn’t always walk it successfully in his debut feature based on the novel by British writer Tom McCarthy. But that’s hardly even a criticism when it comes to this type of conceptual sci-fi: “Remainder” may be chilly, pretentious and at times alienating in its Moebius-strip narrative of endlessly looping causes-and-effects, but it’s seldom less than fascinating. A deliberately dissociative Tom Sturridge plays a young man given a massive payoff when he’s the victim of a freak accident which leaves him with a kind of monomaniacal selective amnesia. He then uses his wealth to recreate a fragment of memory down to the most obsessive detail, assisted by a resourceful and discreet factotum (Arsher Ali). It’s never particularly emotive, but as a pared-down mash-up of “Primer,” “Synecdoche NY” and “Memento,” this investigation into identity has its own prismatic, crystalline appeal.
49. “2046” (2004)
Wispy and oblique even by the standards of Wong Kar-Wai’s films, “2046” is nevertheless as soul-tinglingly beautiful as we’ve come to expect from the master director, even if it doesn’t feel as substantial as it could have been. Essentially a sequel to his masterpiece “In The Mood For Love,” the film sees Tony Leung’s Chow return, now romancing (or sometimes not romancing) various women while penning a series of stories set in the year 2046. The meta-nature of the narrative means that the film is sci-fi only by the loosest sense, but it’s still a thrill to get to see Wong turn his hand to a neon fantasia of a future. And if the pieces don’t quite add up to a satisfying whole (the Cannes premiere was somewhat rushed, and there’s a slight sense that the film was never quite finished), it nevertheless captures the very particular kind of melancholy that only Wong can pull off.
48. “Advantageous” (2015)
Dispiritingly still a rarity in being a female-directed sci-fi picture, “Advantageous” is a reminder why we need more diversity in the genre, bringing a unique perspective that makes it feel entirely refreshing. The Sundance-approved film directed by Jennifer Phang sees Gwen (Jacqueline Kim, who co-wrote the script), a spokesperson for a cosmetic surgery company in the near-future, elect to have a procedure that will give her a new, younger body, only to find it difficult to connect with her daughter afterwards. The writing is occasionally stiff and the acting somewhat variable, but it creates a fascinating world on a meagre budget and is positively bursting with ideas and meaty themes, most of which —aging, the roles of women in business, racial identity, motherhood— simply wouldn’t have occurred to most white male filmmakers. Netflix bought the rights, and it’s well worth checking out.
47. “The World’s End” (2013)
Easily the most divisive of Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg’s Cornetto Trilogy, the third, darkest and most sci-fi installment is less eager to please than the earlier films, but feels more resonant over time. Following wash-out Gary King (Pegg in his greatest performance)’s attempt to reunite his old friends for a once-aborted pub crawl around his hometown, only to discover that the place has been steadily taken over by robots, the film sees Wright’s craft reaching greater heights (the fight scenes are world class) and finding a newly melancholy tone in his work that feels like new ground. And if you’re looking for an insight into the British psyche that caused the self-destructive decision to go for Brexit, look no further than Gary King scorching the earth and telling the alien consciousness to “fuck off back to Legoland” in order to achieve self-determination.
46. “Midnight Special” (2016)
The most “science fiction-y” bells and whistles in Jeff Nichols‘ thrumming, low-key “Midnight Special” may be the weakest elements of the film, but the overall mood —a yearning for understanding beyond what we know— is potent enough to warrant a placement here. Much was made in advance of the film’s debts to Steven Spielberg and John Carpenter —perhaps too much, in the sense that it disappointed those who went in hoping to scratch the kind of ’80s childish-wonder/horror itch that Netflix’s “Stranger Things” does so effectively. In fact, Nichols’ film, which stars Michael Shannon, Joel Edgerton, Kirsten Dunst and Jaeden Lieberher, is far more thoughtful and introspective. The otherworldly elements —a child with supernatural powers, a government conspiracy, extra-terrestrial communiques— function as merely a science fiction framework allowing Nichols to probe the concept of fatherhood to a painfully personal degree, as well as the existential dilemmas that raising a child can pose.
45. “Another Earth” (2011)
In 2011, there suddenly came a new star in the indie sky: Brit Marling appeared as both cowriter and star of two films at that year’s Sundance that had at least sci-fi inflections. The new-agey-cult story “Sound of My Voice” from Zal Batmanglij may be even stronger, but for a robust sci-fi premise, “cult leader who may be from the future” is pipped at the post by “second Earth appears, inhabited by exact doubles of every person on the planet.” Mike Cahill‘s “Another Earth” was somewhat, erm, eclipsed by Lars Von Trier’s “Melancholia,” but it is very different, with a less apocalyptically doomy atmosphere and a sense of intrigue regarding the possibility of redemption that this cleverly unexplained event might represent. Here, Marling’s student and William Mapother‘s composer collide in a tragic accident, and the knowledge that their two lives may be different on Earth 2 begins to look like a second chance.
44. “Serenity” (2005)
There’s purist, cerebral “hard” sci-fi, there’s space opera, and Joss Whedon’s “Firefly” TV show falls joyously and unapologetically into the latter category. But it only lasted one 14-episode season, whereupon the fan clamor became so great that a couple of years later came the movie version “Serenity.” Starring the same cast —Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, Alan Tudyk, Morena Baccarin, Jewel Staite and Summer Glau— rustling up the same chemistry and chowing into the same quippy, characterful dialogue, Whedon’s TV provenance also shows in less positive ways: it’s not hugely cinematic and the plotting feels a little episodic. But the transition mostly works well, with Fillion’s Captain Mal leading his motley crew on a surprisingly moving and ultimately very satisfying big-screen outing boasting genuine scares courtesy of villains The Reavers and Chiwetel Ejiofor‘s icily professional killer, plenty of laughs and even a soupcon of heartbreak (we’ll never forget you, Wash).
43. “Coherence” (2014)
An inventive puzzle-box of an indie that’s still sadly underseen, “Coherence” feels like it should get the kind of ever-growing cult audience that “Primer” picked up over the years. Directed by Gore Verbinski collaborator James Ward Byrkit, it’s the kind of film that works best the less you know about it. But broadly speaking, it focuses on a well-to-do L.A. dinner party (“Buffy” actor Nicholas Brendon being the most recognizable face) that must tackle a quantum-physics-tastic situation when a comet passes overhead. It’s ingeniously written and resourcefully made, with Byrkit stripping the story right down to its bones, but without making the characters or dialogue feel perfunctory. Yet it’s narratively satisfying in a way that mind-benders of this type aren’t always, ending on a lingering note of existential dread that feels deeply earned. It’s rough around the edges, and yet few low-budget sci-fi pics feel as accomplished or exciting.
42. “Cloverfield” (2008)
Love him or loathe him, J.J. Abrams undoubtedly has a feel for what audiences want from mainstream entertainment that few can match. But the secret of his Bad Robot factory isn’t so much in the choice of material as it is the strength of execution, and “Cloverfield” exemplifies that. Uniting two hugely talented Abrams collaborators, Drew Goddard (who wrote) and Matt Reeves (who directed), the film is the why-didn’t-I-think-of-that concept of “The Blair Witch Project” meets “Godzilla,” which was always going to connect. But it’s lasted — even growing in reputation— because Reeves’ direction is extraordinarily well-choreographed, capturing the chaos of disaster without making it incomprehensible, and because Goddard’s script finds the humanity among the people on the ground. For a film that could have just been a rollercoaster ride, it holds up incredibly well nearly a decade on.
41. “The Martian” (2015)
While the “Ridley Scott and Matt Damon make science fun!” chatter that surrounded this film’s release became tiresome to the nerdlingers among us who have always found science pretty fun, we have to admit that “The Martian” did well to take a geeky concept and deliver such a pacy, witty entertainment. Mining the national resource that is Damon’s everyman charm, Scott made his most satisfying film in years courtesy of Drew Goddard’s peppy script (based on the bestseller by Andy Weir) and a little help from the incongruously ABBA-heavy soundtrack. It’s a film about problem/solution derring-do more than any particularly deep thoughts about isolation or identity, but despite the starry support (Jessica Chastain, Jeff Daniels, Michael Pena, Kristen Wiig, Kate Mara and Chiwetel Ejiofor), it’s largely a one-man show, and making a big, crowd-pleasing hit out of one guy talking to himself and growing potatoes in his own shit is no mean feat.
I swear ya’ll published this the exact same day as The Fil mStage .com’s own list on purpose.
Its fun to see where taste differ, but you had the same #1.
Jeremy, this is an update of a list we did long ago circa 2015 and with a series that began in 2014, not just this year.
The number #1 pick is my 2nd favorite movie since 2000 (Mulholland Drive is #1) so I couldn’t agree more.
I can never see “The Hunger Games” as anything more than “Battle Royale” rip-off material. LOL So even putting “Catching Fire”, which basically was a redux of the first film in most of it with the rebellion in the background to add flair, on the Honorable Mention hurts me deeply…well not deeply but still. I love that you guys gave “Snowpiercer” love. I kept reading articles it should have been the black sheep of the Oscars in 2014, no love for Tilda Swinton even! 🙁 It’s funny, I love “Interstellar” as a concept but pacing and actual narrative-wise it was all over the place. It felt like they had so much science behind it that they struggled to make sure all the relevant information was in it without too much exposition. Still liked it though so glad concept-wise it was honored! 🙂
I would have included Sleep Dealer on this list. Very moving.
I love Children of Men but hate mention of it containing ‘two of the greatest extended shots in cinema history’, as they both have been revealed to be fudged together from shorter takes. According to the vfx coordinator, the car ambush was shot in “six sections and at four different locations over one week and required five seamless digital transitions”; and the battlefield scene “was captured in five separate takes over two locations”.
In my eyes, that doesn’t take away from the quality of shot. They are still amazing when we are so conditioned for now normal 1 sec average shot length.
They are amazing scenes, but to perpetuate the myth that they’re real time single takes is a disservice to both the people who made the scenes work -editors, compositors, fx people- but don’t usually get credit for long takes, and to the filmmakers who create actual single takes. Plus Cuaron outright lying about them has left a bad taste in my mouth.
fair enough. “perpetuate the myth that they’re real time single take”
I would put “Stranger Things” on this list. It feels like just a big 8 hour movie anyway.
as much as I agree with you Byers I think to be measured truly all entries should have at least a 5 year test . so when the hype is wore off will we still think it stands as a true original.
While I did love “Stranger Things” and think it should be in every top 50 list, I’m not sure it qualifies as Sci-Fi. They did give give things a soft scientific explanation, but overall it felt more like supernatural horror to me. It’s very borderline though and could be fuel for an interesting debate.
Stranger things is not a movie, till it becomes showed in the big screen, Stranger things do not belong on this list.
Snowpiercer was absolute garbage from start to finish.
Excellent list, especially the top 10. I would have included Avatar over Star Trek, but that’s a minor quibble over blockbusters.
Cloud Atlas? Mr Nobody? Vanilla Sky?
I think you are discrediting your list by not including Avatar. The best SciFi should be defined by whats actually possible while challenging and exciting our imaginations.
I totally understand the debate about the plot and characters but its hard to argue with the box office draw and the oscar awards. What separates Science fiction from pure fantasy? The answer is why the super-hero genre isn’t science fiction and why Star Wars and Star Trek nerds don’t always see eye to eye. Avatar took reasonable steps to make sure the movie conformed to our current scientific understanding of the universe.
2nd highest grossing film of all time adjusted for inflation. By that metric alone its got to be on your list.
Anyway awesome list and thanks for putting the time in. There’s a few movies I had dismissed like another earth but I’ll check them out now.
Avatar = “Lawrence of Arabia” with tails in 3D. Yes it was one of the first movies that used 3D as a serious filmmaking tool,can’t deny that one. In fact 70% of Avatar’s revenue is from its 3D version. But strip it from all its hype, it’s mediocre. Avatar is a sensory feast and nothing more.
Avatar = Dances with Wolves
You left out Ferngully in there to be the most unoriginal, parrot-like post of the day.
Counterpoint: Avatar = Pocahontas
Can’t disagree with you there. However we’re talking about the 50 best sci fi movies in the 21st century so far.
How do you quantify “the best”. Obviously that’s pretty difficult, however some of the metrics you could use are sales, critic reviews, user reviews, academy awards.
The credibility of this list is questionable by excluding Avatar. It’s more of a “Sci Fi movies that the authors liked” list.
As someone who pretty much hates anything he has ever been in, and who thinks calling him a over-rated actor would be a compliment, Tom Cruises Edge of Tomorrow should have been higher. Playing the complete jerk at the beginning of the film wasn’t a surprise, or much of an acting stretch. His getting knocked down a few notches, actually, quite a few notches, and having to put up with common BS and become a functioning human being during the film, one that people watching actually care about, was one of if not his very best acting job. Maybe not a top 10 film but it surely deserved a top 15.
I really don’t get what people have against Cruise and his movies. Does the guy seem like a AAA werido in real life? You bet! But I have honestly never seen a Cruise movie I didn’t enjoy. Every thing from Cocktail to MI to Edge of Tomorrow.
Name ONE other actor that has as many big budget AAA awesome Hollywood sci-fi films under his belt. I love that he doesn’t mind doing nerdy films like Minority Report, War of the Worlds, All You Need is Kill (Edge of Tomorrow). Not to mention he is the my most likable Nazi in film history and is amazing in Valkyrie.
Tom Cruise movies are pretty consistently awesome and entertaining.
Couldn’t agree more. His blockbusters are good if not great–Mission Impossible, War of the Worlds, Minority Report, Edge of Tomorrow, the list could go on forever.
If there’s anyone arguing his versatility and his “acting”, go watch Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut or P.T. Anderson’s Magnolia.
I agree. Say what you want about the guy be he sure knows how to make a movie.
I’m not particularly proud of this, but I must have watched Edge of Tomorrow about 20 times. The layers to it are pretty amazing, the script and story were just so tight for something that could have been a complex mess. (Yeah, yeah, it’s based on a manga novel… – the premise is, but the screenplay does it’s own thing). Every time I watched it I noticed something new that connected back to some other part of the story, which is pretty impressive for 20+ viewings 🙂
I haven’t seen it 20 times, but probably have seen it 6 or 7, but I’ll probably get there eventually. I love that movie. It’s the only movie I’ve seen in the theaters twice other than Terminator 2. Emily Blunt FTW.
Not sure how anyone can sit through Upstream Color and Under the Skin. I certainly wouldn’t have them in my top 100, in fact they’d be in my top ten worst scifi movies of the century. But, these lists are inherently subjective so I won’t say anything immature nor abusive about the author, they’re entitled to an opinion like the rest of us 🙂
Subjective is right. Loved, loved Upstream Color, disliked Under the Skin. Under was made into a sci-fi piece from a story that wasn’t. Many female friends of mine disliked Upstream. Think it was the control scenes at beginning.
What do you mean Under the Skin was made into a sci-fi piece from a story that wasn’t? I read the source material (the novel) and it’s even more sci-fi than the movie.
I agree and apologize. I posted that comment ages ago and I know I read at the time that little nugget from a review of the movie but just read the wiki link about the book and it certainly sounds like sci fi.
Edge of tomorrow is based on a japanese manga called “al you need is kill” (way better than the movie)
No its not. I’ve read the original book and the Manga and the movie is better than both.
Lucy, Limitless?
You already had a Pegg and Frost movie but you forgot about Paul.
ok, agree with many but saw the ‘Host’ and it shouldn’t be anywhere near #11 and Her doesn’t even belong on the list – stupid stupid movie! But bravo that they put Primer, Moon, Eternal Sunshine and Children of men in the top 10.
And where in the hell is Predestination? (All You Zombies by Heinlein?)
Sorry Scott, I disagree. The Host is a smart film, brilliantly executed. I loved the humour, the politics and the characters. There are loads in this list I disagree with (as anyone would with another person’s list) however The Host certainly deserves to be there. Plus, the monster is really cool!
“Gary King’s self destructive…comparable to Brexit?” So…the writer does believe that human civilizations can’t make their own decisions and need to be managed by “benevolent” outside authorities who promise to make it all better, just turn yourselves over to “us”, mind, body and soul?
Even if they are plastic robots?
I loved “The World’s End”, but something is telling me, sir, you saw a completely different movie than I did.
The Brits may have a rep for being polite, but deep inside, they are an independent warrior people who don’t like being treaded on. This is a good impulse.
Andy one who would see it otherwise should not be listened to.
I’m disappointed that Zero Theorem isn’t on this list.
Chappie? Where’s my beloved chappie?
Are these lists compiled by monkeys with Netflix accounts? “Star Wars” was ranked 27, but “Moon”—one of the most mind-numbingly boring movies I’ve ever seen—is in the top 10 (???). And it feels like a good third aren’t even Sci-Fi; I mean, “The Mist” was just a B horror flick—fun, but hardly in the same league as “The Martian.” “Avatar,” “Hunger Games,” and “Divergent” were every bit as relevant as “Edge of Tomorrow,” yet they’re completely ignored. Instead, the list includes the God-awful “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.” #headdesk
Boring is subjective, and just like your taste of Avatar, Hunger Games and Divergent are all pretty awful to me. It’s subjective. Without any intention of being snobbish perhaps you should watch more films.
It is subjective, and different people will enjoy different movies, which is what makes the fundamental premise of these lists so feckless As to seeing more movies, I’m not sure how that would help. I’ve seen most of the movies on this list, and seeing a few more is not going to make a movie like “Moon” any less tedious. Oh, and as someone else mentioned, the list snubbed “Tomorrowland” too, which I find unforgivable.
Just got done with moon. I didn’t find it boring at all. Martian was boring. I guess it’s up to the director and his vision that sets the mood. Moon caught me Martian did not. It’s probably got something to do with my DNA I am not an attaca freak I am natural.
Pssst: it wasn’t Walt Whitman in Upstream Color, the characters read from Walden.
World of Tomorrow by Don Hertzfeldt was deeply troubling and hilarious.
Totally underrated movie that is surprisingly good: Pandorum (2009).
The Host was fun, but I have a hard time calling it Sci-Fi. I am not as fond of B-Movies like The Host and Snowpiercer, I would rate classic AAA Sci-Fi movies like Elysium, Oblivion and I, Robot over them.
I second Pandorum. Not so much your second 3 recommendations.
Not at all a fan of Under the Skin. This film was slow and I turned it off on my first viewing. Went back later and watched it the whole way through because of this list and nope, it’s still slow and boring. Someone could come up with this simple plot in about 5 minutes. Scarlett is naked a lot, there’s that I guess, but not nearly as good as The Island.
>The Island
…And suddenly I can’t take you seriously anymore.
The Island is rated 6.9 at IMDb which is a very excellent rating, as it is difficult for movies anything less than absolute blockbuster smash hits to get over 7.5 there. Meantime, I think you missed the point because Scarlett Johansson was in The Island, so I believe the OP was comparing her two movies, stating that her performance, character and plot in The Island was better than her Under The Skin. I agree. Because movies about aliens (or related) dressed up in incredibly sexy female bodies having deadly sex with men is an overplayed theme and wasteful of female talents on the big screen.
In Under the Skin her character is physically incapable of sex, although the implied promise of it is used to lure men to their deaths.
Her was boring and sucked balls. Total piece of shit.
Did Tomorrowland make the list? Since the list is setup in click bait style I really don’t want to go back and look at each page. If it isn’t in the list, it should be.
No, it did not. Thank god.
Dredd would of made my list.
It’s one of the best Sci-Fi/Action movies of the last decade and harks back to some of those greats from the 80’s.
Its dystopian themes and overiding bleakness made it that rare thing in modern cinema.
Great photography from Anthony Dodd Mantle too!
Several of Alex Garland’s, writer of Dredd, other work made the cut so I can understand its omission, but the film shouldn’t be dismissed.
The acting in that film is “dreadful” (had to get that in). But, it’s true….The guy that played “Dread” has to be from the very bottom of the shit list of Hollywood’s worst actors. Obviously this was a risky film so they couldn’t go with a great. Even a half decent actor wouldn’t have touched this bag of shit movie with a 40ft barge pole!
Fortunately, easily forgotten.
Well clearly you’re in the minority as it was popular enough to be getting a forthcoming TV series spin-off.
Karl Urban is a more than capable actor and you clearly haven’t seen many of his other roles.
Still, there’s no accounting for taste! ?
All this proves is that you are one of millions of mindless sheep that rubbish like this appeals to and is made for. And why I hold a degree in aeronautical engineering while you remain loyal to your couch. As for taste….you really have no argument. Have a good day.
All your comment proves is that you are a
massive snob who fails to recognise what constitutes quality.
And no, I prefer the cinema experience to the couch.
Speak for yourself!
Hey don’t cry. There are literally billions of lonely sheep out there, just like yourself . Just as aimless and foolish as you. You’re not on your own metaphorically speaking, take comfort in that fact.
Please check my “z” cat sci fi shorts 🙂
– Sunshine is so close to a perfect sci-fi movie that it’s painful – the one movie I wish we could take back in time and give Boyle a bunch of “Edge of Tomorrow” chances at a better last act. He let things get too messy – mostly that final confrontation, which could have been a scary and suspenseful turn, but was instead unpolished and rushed. He similarly screwed up The Beach with Leo’s mental video game trippy bullshit.
– Prometheus was obviously omitted and I agree as to why but think it had glimmers of good stuff. Not sure Ridley, who gave us so much, will ever give us another great movie again.
– Yes The Martian was good and should be on the list, but mainly winds up as a crowd pleaser as opposed to other older Ridley Scott films that take chances (although they don’t always work). The book was better.
– Moon was good and satisfying by the end but ranked too high here.
– District 9 should definitely be higher.
– Minority Report was great and inventive as sci-fi goes – my only gripe would be that Spielberg felt the need to over-explain the whole movie with Tom Cruise’s overly talky scene at the end as to how the whole crime was done. Would have been nice to let the audience put some of it together on their own.
– This list makes me want to rewatch Host and Snowpiercer.
– 10 Cloverfield Lane and maybe even the sometimes cheesy Vanilla Sky should be in there.
– Haven’t seen 2046, Holy Motors, Timecrimes and maybe a couple others so have some work to do.
– Love that the list tends to lean to the more uniquely strange and obscure, especially with Under The Skin, even if it maybe leans that way a little too much so with other titles.
– Avatar really was not a good movie and has become cringeworthy to rewatch. The movie and the acting was just cartoonish, especially the military bad guy.
– Couldn’t agree more on Children of Men – that movie I can watch over and over.
– Although not a movie – I’m hoping Netflix does justice to the upcoming Altered Carbon series (not sure when it will be released), seeing as sci-fi is an easy thing to screw up. If you like sci-fi please do yourself a favor and read that book first. Awesome and a trilogy (haven’t read 2 or 3 yet).
The first sequel to Altered Carbon was not great, the third book was almost as good as the first.
quote- Minority Report was great and inventive as sci-fi goes – my only gripe
would be that Spielberg felt the need to over-explain the whole movie
with Tom Cruise’s overly talky scene at the end as to how the whole
crime was done. Would have been nice to let the audience put some of it
together on their own. -endquote
I’ve notices audiences have a harder time nowadays putting anything together on their own. That said, the ending is a great place to tie up all the loose ends and make sure everyone who couldn’t put it all together gets to put it all together.
Leaving off 12 Monkeys is a bit of a travesty, IMHO. It has to be the best closed-loop time travel movie of the lot.
I’m just glad Interstellar didnt make the cut.
Because you’re an idiot. It’s easily top 10.
It’s a crime 12 Monkeys isn’t there…
You mean the film that came out in 1995?
It’s the ultimate time travel movie… It comes out all centuries….
You have Mad Max Fury road in Sci fi and not Predestination.
“And if you’re looking for an insight into the British psyche that caused the self-destructive decision to go for Brexit,”
The writer should really jump off that high horse…preferably into a big pile of $hite, for it is obvious you need some time outside your little echo chamber.
Like all of his fellow travelers, the leftist author is an all- consumed true believer who thinks nobody reading here could possibly disagree with his opinion re Brexit. After all, anyone who does disagree is, by default, a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot. Moral high ground, don’t you know.
this list is cancer
shit list.
Yeah ..
What would you have added? And I’m not trying to be condescending or anything, I just want to know more about Sci-Fi..
I think it’s less about addition and more about removal.
This list needs some serious reconsidering of what is science fiction. The author obviously prefers indie dramas with a tiny drop of sci-fi (or no sci-fi whatsoever, just surrealism, like in case of Holy Motors or Under the Skin) to what actually constitutes the genre, like Ender’s Game or The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Galaxy.
Got it.
Alex Gaginsky, you took the words right out of my mouth! More and more, I miss Roger Ebert. It seems to me that movie reviews nowadays are being written by Millennials who never studied film ‘history’. Many of the great films I grew up on aren’t even on this list!
Re-read the title. “of the 21st Century”
you’re taking this list real serious there, “alex” – lighten up a bit, perhaps?
He cares about something and encourages others to as well. What are you good for? Helping people “lighten up” when they talk over your head?
I care a great deal about science-fiction cinema, to the point where I’m compelled to dismiss fanboy “purism” and seek out actual artistic/stylistic merit. Sci-fi means many things to many people, and I’d say this is a well-rounded encapsulation of contemporary works in the (broad) genre, with both mainstream and under-the-radar films represented. But, hey, if you think that arguing for the inclusion of pap like Ender’s Game and (ugh) Predestination simply because of the standing of their source material (and not on, ya know, the quality of the actual film adaptation) qualifies as “talking over my head,” then… well, you just enjoy that delusional line of thinking, buddy.
Good points, and now you’re taking the list very seriously, just like Alex. Why didn’t you just say all this in the first place instead of trying to belittle someone for being like you?
ouch. Check and mate. Well played devraticus
I’ll never understand the affection for ANOTHER EARTH! Wow, I absolutely hated that movie.
Quit reading at the “a white male” part.
I love how Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (a film based off previous films–hardly any originality), and Attack the Block are rated higher than Interstellar, Prestige, Cloverfield, Signs, and even The Myst. And Prometheus and Predestination aren’t even listed. Anybody have any ideas why these journalists/writers/critics have a job?
They don’t
They still have a job because the big movie companys pay them to have an opinion..
No idea, I suppose they had to pick a handful of each genre within a genre. Perhaps….maybe? Or maybe they don’t know their arse from their elbow 😉
The Force Awakens – LOL
Hunter Prey.
“his supremely controlled debut space oddity.”
I see what you did there. Nice played!
it only takes one spark of DC electricity to rotate a 100cm circumference pulley, then if you run this 100cm of belt through 10 mini-pulleys of 1cm circumference, and attached AC generators to it, you would get a return of 1000 units of AC electricity. This output should easily gain your one spark of DC electricity, that goes back into your DC drive motor. Torque is not a problem, as these AC generators are just winding up massive voltage, which is just what you need to crank over your DC motor the once. Of course you will need to include a full wave bridge rectifier to convert your AC output back into a DC supply for your drive motor.
it is really that simple =
I happen to be poor,(on CPP) + disabled, with shaky hands, so I cannot build anything. I was hoping that if I made the description simple enough, that someone else would build this GEM of an idea for me. I have had the website up since 2001 or 2002, yet I cannot get past the POWERFUL SPIRITUAL WARFARE going on here, ever since Ezekiel 1:16, where I confirmed this came from God. This came from his description of a UFO motor,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so who knows where this will lead. If the government does not cover it up, and sweep it under the rug
Jessica Kiang and Oliver Lyttelton….put away the thesaurus. You’re trying too hard. Calling you pretentious doesn’t quite cut it. Just summarize the movie. We don’t care about your deep feelings toward the director, or watching you be a tryhard.
I made a list of my eight favorite films from this list and I have to admit that “A Scanner Darkly” is far superior to any other Sci-Fi film made in this century. Of course this could just be the Substance D talking. Wait… who’s typing this?
No Terminator 2. Kidding me?
Putting Interstellar at number 32 is just, politely put, retarded you fucking imbecile.
Well, if that’s how you put things “politely”…
Yeah, I didn’t wish to insult the cunts who wrote this list. There’s definitely a lot of amazing movies, I just think they need to think more carefully about which ones deserve to be in the top 10. Of course it’s all down to opinion, so they aren’t, by definition, “wrong.”
because it shouldn’t be on the list to begin with? i completely agree.
I’ve not seen all of these films, but I agree with the Children of Men being right up there at the top. Some like Never Let Me Go is so depressing only one viewing is recommended. Another one mentioned that is almost equally depressing (but not on the list) is The Road; it has a very sad ending. I thought Interstellar should have been higher up in the rankings, but no big deal, it is on the list as a great movie. I enjoyed the Mist for the twisted ending! A must see for all sci-fi enthusiast is Battle Royale – I have to agree with Quinton tarentino on this one. It is something else!
Of those mentioned I have not seen, I would like to see the Moon. That sounds like a great movie…along with District Nine. I have not seen nearly all of these movies, but will try to one day.
Terrible list and it truly showcases just how horrific the cinematic output has been in the last decade.
World of Tomorrow by Don Hertzfeldt was deeply troubling and hilarious.
Personal Top Ten:
Arrival should totally make it into an updated version of this list.
I still struggle to see Fury Road as sci-fi tho.
Melancholia will be on my top 100 list somewhere, mostly it’s a list of “tops” because they can’t be ordered. If I remember the movie forever, it is tops along with the others I remember forever. I heard mixed reviews of Melancholia, but I found it to be incredibly realistic regarding human behavior, family behavior, social and domestic help behavior, tabloid behavior, all to a profound T. There were many psychological subtleties which could be discussed for many hours.
Some great underrated picks here especially, Primer, Under the skin ( weird, fantastic movie! ) and Midnight Special, a personal fave.
No BLADERUNNER!!! Seriously?!! So many of these movies WANT TO BE BLADERUNNER. They PAY HOMAGE TO BLADERUNNER! How is BLADERUNNER not #! if not in the top 10!?
Some of these are very good but the fact that you COMPLETELY ommitted Bladerunner makes this ENTIRE LIST worthless.
…Do you even know what “the 21st century” means?
Ever heard of a re-release? Duh. I got the Voight Conf edition for my Birthday
21st Century moron
Stargate, the movies and the TV shows together were great. They started out on a pretty low budget but they made the series pretty great. that’s my number one. alien/s series, Mission to Mars, Chronicles of Riddik, Book of Eli, well this one is kind of crazy but the movie Screamers. got a thing for space sci-fi.
Theres a lot of great films on the list,unfortunately its ruined by so many being in the wrong order…
#32 Interstellar – I understand why people were confused over 2001: Space Odyssey, but this one, Interstellar, was pretty clear. Sure, you had to watch more of it to understand what you just saw, so, like most good movies, you have to have the ability to pay attention and keep track of the puzzles you are working out with the narrative and action provided. I think people are losing this ability more and more with each decade.
The problem with this list is that it basically says: “The closer a sci-fi movie is to a slow, brooding, art-house drama, the better. The less sci-fi elements left in it, the better” Which seems to me the same thing as to say “I actually hate most of sci-fi”.
If brooding lo-fi indie drama, means about the same thing as pretentious to you, I agree.
Why is having tings to say means pretentious?
umm… did we read the same list?
Absolutely. In fact, if you read it, it’s in the text.
Out of top 10,
• three films (Eternal Sunshine, Upstream Color, Her) are said to be included for their exploration of “love story”. Compare that to only ONE top-10 movie about space (and we’re talking about science fiction!);
• Under The Skin (2) and Holy Motors (10) are surrealist art-house rather than sci-fi, and in case of the latter authors even admit it themselves;
• there’s only one popular “entertainment” movie (critical darling Fury Road), as if authors were avoiding to praise popular movies on purpose. Note that Avatar, by far the most popular sci-fi movie of the decade, is not even on the list.
The rest of the list is also dominated by the “festival films”, low-budget indie, art-house and horror, some of which are barely sci-fi at all. Meanwhile adaptations of classic sci-fi novels such as The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Galaxy, Predestination or Ender’s Game, are not on the list.
Overall, the list feels not like a sci-fi fan pick, but like an indie snob pick.
Absolutely. In fact, if you read it, it’s in the text.
Out of top 10:
– 3 films (Eternal Sunshine, Upstream Color, Her) are said to be included for their exploration of “love story”. Compare that to only one (!) top-10 movie about space (and we’re talking about science fiction!);
– Under The Skin (2) and Holy Motors (10) are surrealist art-house rather than sci-f. In case of latter authors even admit it themselves;
– roughly 7 qualify as “independent” and 9 as “drama”. And the authors constantly stress it when a movie is “endearingly lo-fy” “low-key cult”, etc;
– there’s only 1 popular “entertainment” movie (critical darling Fury Road), as if authors were avoiding popular movies on purpose. Note that Avatar, arguably the most influential sci-fi movie of the decade, is not even on the list. It looks like a “take that!” against mainstream audiences.
The rest of the list is also dominated by the “festival films”, low-budget indie, art-house and horror, some of which are barely sci-fi at all. Meanwhile many adaptations of classic sci-fi novels, such as The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Galaxy, Predestination or Ender’s Game, are not on the list.
Overall, the list feels not like a sci-fi fan pick, but like an indie snob pick.
The reason “Avitar” is not in this is because it wasn’t from the 21st century. It’s a remake of a movie called “Dances with Wolves” from 1990.
Yeah, I see your point.
Great that this list only praises original XXI century property, like Star Trek, Mad Max, Solaris, Planet of the Apes and Star Wars.
Don’t jornolists love to sneer at the unwashed masses?
Yes, as they fantasize they are not one of them Ha !
You almost had me convinced, and that’s saying something. As a print SF fan from waaaaaaay back, I don’t have much patience for what mainstream Hollywood calls “sci-fi”. But while I enthusiastically second your nomination of _Predestination_, I note that it qualifies as all the things you complain about: a lo-fi indie drama with a love story (albeit a rather twisted one). I’ll go you one better and add a vote for _2081_, based on a short story by one of SF’s biggest “indie snobs”: Kurt Vonnegut.
When you lost me completely, though, was at the mention of Garth Jennings’s lifeless reboot of _HHGttG_. However immortal the original — a radio serial, BTW, not the later novels — it’s a piece of shamelessly pandering nerd bait that deserves to be thrown on the same dungheap as _Avatar_ and everything Michael Bay has directed this millennium.
Although real SF is better understood by Hollywood than in the past, there is still a large gap of understanding between true “fen” and the mass-market audience which is Hollywood’s bread and butter. It is a disconnect which many still misinterpret as snobbery or purism, but which is in fact mere passionate defense of a genre which has struggled for decades to be taken seriously — first as literature, now as cinema and television.
Pfft. I can only hope that the 50 is just how they’re listed (or, did I miss something), because if they’re in some kind of an order… Jesus Christ
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Thus Spoke Alex “Ghost in the Shell the Movie fanboy” Gaginsky.
Do you mean the original anime, which is great, or Rupert Sanders remake, which is mediocre? No, I’m not a fanboy of either.
Anyway, thank you for reminding of another flaw in this list: absence of any anime. Paprika, The Girl that Leapt Through Time, Steamboy? Nope, let’s stick to indie dramas.
Paprika! Inception seems to be inspired by “Paprika”.
Under the Skin? Mad Max?, who ever made this horrible list doesn’t know sci fi
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YES. Hell yes. phenomenal movie from start to finish.
Doesn’t qualify, released in 1996.
Oh, *that* _Oblivion_. Meh. _Moon_ covered the same territory better, not least by casting a better actor in the lead rôle.
I don’t understand why MadMax: Fury Road is in the top ten of every list of Sci-Fi/ Fantasy movies.. what’s so great about that movie is beyond my understanding. In fact, I coudn’t hate a movie more and i wouldn’t watch that movie for the 2nd time even if someone pays me for it! Worst movie ever. Period!!!
District 9 top 5 and missing scifi animation 9 in top ten.
Sorry….Inception is either 1 or 2.
Primer is one of the most overrated movies of all time.
This list is garbage.
Does this idiot even know what scifi is? Seriously? They sound like a contrarian dimwit getting uppity about how painfully disappointing it is that women don’t direct or produce movies. It’s funny, our budding feminist here seems to not notice that if you’re the right gender you are entitled to nearly 40,000x as many grants, they left that part out.
crawl back to the disgusting shitpile you came from, you redpill inbred halfwit.
lol film is so dead, with the exception of Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, all of these films are garbage.
Someone created a list in which Ex Machina is considered a better sci-fi flick than Donnie Darko… with a straight face?
crappy list+movies
Didnt have any of the terrific Sci-Fi horrors like Event Horizon and Pandorum or Promethius but included the dreary incredibly overated Eternal Sunshine of a spotless mind drivel and left out Equlibrium its a pretty pathetic list in my opinion.
I agree to an extent, but “Event Horizon” was from the 20th century.
Looper, as well, is horrible. Might’ve been an entertaining movie – but, how they present it to be and all that people feel they should say about it… Fail. Not to mention that the plot is STUPID (& it doesn’t even work in the film, to make things worse), heh.
EDIT: OMG and Timecrimes, wow. Some people…
Children Of Men is garbage.
What a crap list. There are maybe 5, or at best 10 movies on this list that actually deserve it. There are a few that where clever ideas but that alone should not put a movie on this list. This list is more the top 50 most pretentious Sci-Fi movies of the 21st century.
“Arrival” is criminally absent.
This is a digression on films but of course (!) there had to be politically charged invective about Brexit. We read reviews on films because we like films, not because we want to be pandered to or moralized to. Stop talking down to your readers. We’re not aimless children who need to be told what and how to think.
It’s funny how a list that was published before Arrival came out somehow doesn’t contain Arrival.
Fan boy much…..
great list! i liked how you guys picked films based more on the content of the story rather than visual fx which is why i’m assuming Avatar didn’t make it. Was delighted to see Moon in the top 10.
“The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy“?
No Tomorrowland? Sound of My Voice or I Origins? Avatar?
Not even going to mention Predestination?
This is actually one of the more decent lists!
Good job, no list is perfect but you put some of the right ones in here for sure.
I agreed with children of men, but felt too many of these were… ok sci fi films.
‘Code 46’ (2003) by Michael Winterbottom.
What’s wrong with you..some of the movies in this list are very low in scifi and very high in drama..Especially the first two movies under the skin and children of men…These two are more in drama than in scifi..Based on your predictions I watched these two and was very disappointed because I thought these movies more like a scifi like that of some serious stuff only to found out that it was full of drama..damn you for wasting my time..
My God, that list was about as bad as such a list could imaginably be. Not having Interstellar where it should be (#1) or at least in the top ten???????? I guess the science in that one was beyond this author’s ability to comprehend. It is funny seeing a list comprised mostly of fantasy films that calls itself a sci-fi list. Meanwhile, numerous hard sci-fi films like Europa Report and the aforementioned Interstellar are either laughably low or left off altogether. SMGDH. I guess expecting otherwise was asking too much.
Wtf did this list?? No Prometheus? ?
Predestination deserves a spot here.
Zero Theorem, Turbo Kid, Iron Sky, Space Cop??? Remove all that horror crap from the list.
The writer of this list must not have seen “Predestination”.
The Fountain anybody?
Solaris is a little bit high here, also would have added Oblivion, Mr.Nobody, Arrival, Blade Runner 2047, The Tree of Life. Also would have considered Knowing.
Btw., just saw that there’s a Harrison Bergeron (2006) short… And I’m hoping everyone reading this has read the short story at some point already. =)
“Arrival” and “Mr Nobody”!