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‘Slumdog Millionaire’ The Big Winner At The 2008 SAG Awards

Man, the SAG Awards are already about 10 times funnier than the Golden Globes or any of the award shows so far this season (not that there’s been that many this season. We probably won’t live blog per se, but we’ll be announcing the winner’s live as they happened if you happen to be reading. Of course we won’t be covering any of the TV cause we don’t really care for it, though we hope shows and actors from “The Office,” and “30 Rock” win (we/I haven’t watched “Mad Men” but we/I hear it’s great – who has time for TV?).

Outstanding Actress In A Supporting Role
WINNER: Kate Winslet – “The Reader”
Amy Adams – “Doubt”
Viola Davis – “Doubt”
Penelope Cruz – “Vicky Cristina Barcelona”
Taraji P. Henson – “The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button”

Wow, “The Reader” keeps cleaning up this year. This seems like Kate’s year. Man, imagine she takes the Best Actress award for “Revolutionary Road” and she’s not even up for an Oscar in that role?

Outstanding Actor In A Supporting Role
WINNER: Heath Ledger – “The Dark Knight”
Phillip Seymour Hoffman – “Doubt”
Dev Patel – “Slumdog Millionaire”
Robert Downey Jr. – “Tropic Thunder”
Josh Brolin – “Milk”

No major surprise here, right? ‘TDK’ co-star Gary Oldman accepted on his behalf. Heath got a standing ovation. He seemed quite emotional and then had to reign it in.

Outstanding Actress In A Lead Role
WINNER: Meryl Streep – “Doubt”
Kate Winslet – “Revolutionary Road”
Angelina Jolie – “Changeling”
Melissa Le0 – “Frozen River”
Anne Hathaway – “Rachel Getting Married”

Nice, she’s very, very deserving of this award. Did they really say Meryl Streep has only ever won a SAG once before? Does that not seem impossible? According to Wiki its true, but they only started giving them out in 1994.

Outstanding Actor In A Lead Role
WINNER: Sean Penn – “Milk”
Mickey Rourke – “The Wrestler”
Brad Pitt – “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”
Sean Penn – “Milk”
Frank Langella – “Frost/Nixon”
Richard Jenkins – “The Visitor”

Wow. We kinda had a hunch this would happen. Our feeling is that Rourke engendered such ill will during his down period that a nomination is as good as he can get from this crowd. Nice shout out to Benicio del Toro, Steven Soderbergh and “Che” for being overlooked.

Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture
WINNER: “Slumdog Millionaire”
“The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button”

Man, even more evidence that this one is walking away with Best Picture. They could have easily given it to “Doubt,” which does have the best cast hands down, but this is a move that endorses the film itself, make no mistake.

Again, don’t forget these SAG Guild awards again are the most accurate bellwether of Oscar. Don’t be surprised if these awards match up exactly, but of course, the Best Supporting Actress field is still an open race since Kate Winslet isn’t it in. But the Best Actress race must be now seen as a 50/50 horse race between her and Streep.

P.S. The stunt ensembles award went to “The Dark Knight.” James Earl Jones was given the Lifetime Achievement Award and of course, it’s well-deserved. God, he almost choked us up, he’s so awesome. What a classy guy.

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  1. i was hoping “The Office” would win. And i will not argue with how gorgeous Kate Winslet looks these days.

    And holy crap, is Sally Fields 60-something? Looks realy great for her age. Would not complain if i was that age and she was my wife.

  2. Rod when did you start watching the Office?

    because if you started watching it in season 4/5, you might be lucky, because you might not be accustomed to how good the show used to be. I recommend waiting for this season to be over and then watch the 1st and 2nd, for some truly great episodes of The Office.

    Obviously after you watch the first season of 30 Rock.

  3. While Slumdog was the best film nominated, the cast was easily the weakest, with only one truly great performance in the film by Ayush Mahesh Khedekar. I nearly blew my brains out the second time because of the host. So annoying. And even worse in real life. It’s gonna be hilarious if Slumdog doesn’t win the Oscar.

  4. I wouldn’t say it was clearly the best, but I would have a hard time choosing between the 4 other nominees. Honestly, Slumdog shouldn’t have been nominated. I get what you’re saying though. I can see it like 3 years from now, once Slumdog has won everything, people are gonna realize that the best movies this year weren’t even nominated.

  5. I still think Anne Hathaway has a shot at Best Actress. She won the Critics Choice and the NBR, while Streep won the Critics Choice and the SAG, and Winslet won the Globe and the SAG. Now she doesn’t have the best odds, but I don’t see it as a 50/50 race like Best Actor (even that is seeming less so now though).

    Ledger is still no doubt the only sure shot this awards season, like Daniel Day last year. Although I would’ve put my life on Lewis, I wouldn’t on Ledger (sure ain’t that sure).

  6. You know who hasn’t done enough movies in the past 10+ years? JAMES EARL JONES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Hopefully that award was meant to say, “You and all of the other great actors that aren’t ready for retirement just yet? GET OFF YER ASSES AND ACT!!!!!!”

  7. I don’t think there are very many sure shots this year apart from Heath winning best supporting actor. I think an upset category could be Encounters winning over Man on Wire for Best Doc. This is Werner Herzog’s only academy award nomination EVER. As unbelievable as that sounds, it’s true. So, maybe voters will recognize this and say, “We have to give this guy something before he’s gone!”

  8. Someone mentioned how the Academy hasn’t been kind in the past to documentaries the rely too heavily on previously shot footage. I’m guessing this is reffering to Grizzly Man, and I don’t know what else, but they said it in wariness to Man on Wire winning. Like I said, I’m not sure of that fact, but do know that Grizzly Man got screwed worse than Springsteen. Not sure if it will indeed after Man on Wire’s chances of winning.

  9. Also, I didn’t realize it until I just caught Sean Penn’s win on re-run, but this was his first SAG win! He was nominated for all his great performances before, such as Dead Man Walking, I Am Sam, and Mystic River, but never won. I think that plays heavily into his victory this evening. And I think the same thing plays heavily in the Oscars as well.

    They are notorious in that they’ll award what I call make-up wins, awarding a person who actually deserved it for a previous performance, where the Academy was either to stupid to acknowledge it or more than likely giving someone else a make-up award that year (see the never ending cycle). Or they’ll award a sympathy win, giving the Oscar to someone who has never won. And all this comes into play with the Best Actor Award.

    Russell Crowe deserved it for The Insider, so they gave it to him for Gladiator the next year. Denzel Washington deserved it for The Hurricane (and the fact he never won), so they gave it to him for Training Day. But that meant Sean Penn lost for I Am Sam, so they gave it to him for Mystic River (and also because he never won), and so on.

    So back to the point. It’s very likely the Guild was awarding Penn since they never had before. The Academy just did award him, so it might be Rourke’s time to win.

  10. @ The PL:

    I had no idea J.E.J. was doing a bunch of theatre as of late. I have no qualms with anyone opting for a more visceral and demanding form of acting (having been a theatre and film major in a former life), I just haven’t even heard of J.E.J. doing theatre (as opposed to other actors that are doing theatre fresh off of movies or TV).


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