Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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The 100 Greatest Quotes From ‘The Wire’

As huge, avowed fans of “The Wire,” this is just too good not to post. Still the greatest TV show ever as far as we’re concerned, but then again, we don’t really bother with TV much outside HBO. But several of these are stone-cold classics, especially anything that came out of Omar’s (Michael Kenneth Williams) mouth. Every bon mot he delivers is a gem. People who have not yet delved into this show? You’re truly missing out and have overlooked a hugely important cultural touchstone. Didn’t realize this was from Pajiba, so adding a link.

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  1. Charlie Brooker said it best when he said: "By now, the sound of yet another person blasting on about how good The Wire is probably makes you want to yawn your soul apart"

  2. Charlie Brooker has championed The Wire for years now and he too claims it's the greatest tv series ever created. Asshat or not, at least he's aware of how infinitely gloating and smugly self-righteous Wire fans are.

  3. I'm gonna straight up say this: I think this video is proof that the Wire is the best show ever DESPITE it's dialogue. Not that any of the dialogue is actively bad, it's just not standout in any way.

    You guys wanna contest this? Pick a line from the show you thought was great.


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